So, have a big huge image of OO's day long climb through rusty fixtures.

How's the new HUD? It's not totally complete, but it'll feature stuff like a clock and doesn't impose on the view any this way.
Also: Have one more for the road.

Next update I'll talk more about the other two ways you can attack: You already know grabbing stuff from the ground.
Nothing too fancy, don't worry!
Oh thank god, you're still here and updating! I check daily out of routine.
Woah woah woah...Sonic-style waterfalls?
Glad to see an update. It's always a rare treat!
Looks awesome as always ^_^
I'm loving the new sky! It's simple, yet beautiful. The transparent clouds make the stars at night that much more apparent. All it all it looks like another great update to a great game. Can't wait to play the demo.
Hooray for updates!
So when can we expect a demo? A pre-alpha of sorts?
This is really shaping up to be very interesting indeed. I like how you've got both high framerate animation, yet have resisted the urge to slow it down to show it off. I often find high-framerate animations in games tend to be in ones where the movement is super sluggish (I'm thinking old Disney games, although Castle of Illusion & Quackshot are treasured games for me, perhaps because they are the least slow!) - in fact the movement here is lovely and slick - even Sonic like, on the sloped sections. Also love the sheer amount of content you produce.
Keep up the excellent work!
I'm patient enough to wait as long as it takes and I know the wait will be worth it, but you should try to update this a little more often! It looks like such an amazing game and I am really excited to play it, so any information would be nice just to show that you're still working on it.
I too am eager to hear more about the game! Please, do not let it be so that you have abandoned it. I cannot wait to see more. Share with us, please!
Hey! I hope you update again some time. I want you to know that seeing your game is the reason why I decided to make a game of my own too!
I love Life+! Please update! At least tell us you're alive still!
Any updates? ...please finish this game^^
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