Hey guys. Life was kinda nutty for a while, my bad!
Life+ is far from dead, never really stopped working on it, it just crawled to a really slow pace for a while.
Hopefully I'll get some more screenshots to you soon, I've been chugging away at a video, and I'm thinking of how to release the demo, so there's all that.
For now, have some art and an apology! I really shouldn't have left everybody hanging so much.
Try not to think about this art too much, most of it probably doesn't mean much.
Then again...

OO looking funky.

This is how it all starts.

OO pensively considers pressing on.

Tea leaves are the root of all sky jellyfish.

A chaotic fight in fungus.

A chaotic fight above fungus.

I'm on pins and needles just thinking about winter...

Bees! More accurately, Honeydews.

What better way to relax?

Welcome to Earth! Well, that's hardly appropriate.

Zap, Mother Hubbard!

Cocoa, Sprinkle, Chip, Garbanzo, Toffee, Bun, Sorbet, Fry, Gum, Tzimmes, Zwieback, Lefse, Albacord, RISE5, and LIZA1 (in no order).

Bird surfing over a volcano.
I think that's all for now!
Phew, it's been a while. It won't be months for the next one.
There, that should be better.
Oh hell yes! An update! :D Been waiting for some activity here, nice to see you back again!
And them's some pretty neato drawings, yo. Really diggin' that chaotic fungus fight one.
Lookin' forward to seeing more stuff from ya, dude.
It's great to see you're still working on the game! I can't wait for the video and demo. Keep up the good work.
Thanks for updating the blog man!
Not trying to be subversive, but anyone here on the blog should check out these new pics shared with... different corners of the internet.
Hey, glad to see you're still working on this, and the pics are pretty groovy.
Oh my goodness, I had all but given up hope on this project! After 6 months on inactivity, you can't blame someone for losing hope. Thank you for restoring my faith in what will hopefully (most likely) become a fantastic gem.
Ha ha - cool artwork!
Got me thinking back to the happy tree friends on You tube!
Oh man, I can't wait to see this project actually finished.
Here's hoping you get there pastel.
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