I decided to cut him off.
Hey, cool. You have something to call the little guy for now. It's not his real name, but I suppose you could write it out like Double O or something like that. The spotlight washes him out a little in a still, but you can still see he's surprised by it.
Speaking of how he feels, a friend of mine linked me to a cartoonist's 25 essential expression challenge, and I decided Double O fit in pretty well.

The way he acts in certain places will clue you in on what's going on. He tends to get scared in places he can't handle, and annoyed if you're taking too long, or just sleepy. Not sleepy enough to fall asleep though, since it's best to sleep at a save point.
In-game campaign for "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."
I think having situational emotions is an amazing idea. Reminds me of Wind Waker, sorta. Heck yes.
the fierce one seems like foreshadowing to me. especially with both eyes being red instead of just one.
Sarcastic looks like that emoticon.
Pleased and Happy looks adorable for whatever reason.
I like triumph.
Also in Fierce form, he looks kinda like one of Claus's messed up forms from the removed final battle in Mother 3.
I also never got what bereft meant.
No one ever gives me the same answer, so I've always assumed it's something akin to lethargic.
I like the look on Sarcastic. Reminds me of a certain smiley I once saw...
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